本帖最后由 leixiaofeng 于 2015-3-25 17:27 编辑
2010.8.3 3.测试TinyOS中的Toosim make micaz sim 提示找不到python2.5 查看本机python的版本,我的版本为2.6 进入/opt/tinyos-2.1.1/support/make/sim.extra 修改python的版本PYTHON_VERSION=2.6 重新make micazsim 提示*** Successfullybuilt micaz TOSSIM library.则可运行tossim。 4.安装Eclipse以及TinyOS的IDE-Yeti2 1)下载,解压Eclipse Eclipse,在桌面创建启动器,连接Eclipse. 2) Help->Install New Software 3)点击Add,Name:Yeti2 4) next等待更新 5)选择如下,进行安装
6) 安装Graphical Editing Framework 若出现如下错误: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Yeti 2 - TinyOS Debugger (optional) 1.2.18 (tinyos.yeti.debugger.feature.group 1.2.18)
Missing requirement: Yeti 2 - TinyOS Debugger (optional) 1.2.18 (tinyos.yeti.debugger.feature.group 1.2.18) requires 'org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
7)安装完毕,设置环境变量 Window->Preferences->TinyOS->Environments 检查各个目录,点击Apply,OK,设置完毕。 8)检查TinyOS的安装 TinyOS->CheckInstallation(需要新建一个TinyOS项目才会出来此选项,在上部Window旁) 我的返回:Done Errors:0 Warnings:1 警告的部分: Test:Environment variables Description: Compare the environment variables known toEclipse with the variables known to the shell Environment variables differ, this can lead to failureswhen compiling or debugging an application. CLASSPATH: Eclipse = '' Shell =':/opt/tinyos-2.1.1/support/sdk/java' LESSCLOSE: Eclipse = '' Shell ='/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s' LESSOPEN: Eclipse = '' Shell ='| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s' LS_COLORS: Eclipse = '' Shell ='' MAKERULES: Eclipse = '' Shell ='/opt/tinyos-2.1.1/support/make/Makerules' TOSDIR: Eclipse = '' Shell ='/opt/tinyos-2.1.1/tos' TOSROOT: Eclipse = '' Shell ='/opt/tinyos-2.1.1' Status: warning Message: Not all environment variables are thesame