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XC8 V1.32 is released on June-9-2014.

发表于 2016-4-6 22:08:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
XC8 V1.32 is released on June-9-2014. It is available at Microchip web site:

what's nnew:
3.1. Version 1.32
New device support The following parts (and their corresponding LF variants) are now fully
supported by this release: PIC16F1614, and PIC16F1618. Support is also present for the
following devices: MCP19118, MCP19119, MCP19124, and MCP19125. See also re -
named devices.
Runtime speed improvements For enhanced mid-range devices, a faster inlined version of
memcpy()  will be used when compiling with speed optimizations enabled. For PIC18 de -
vices, some integer math routines now use a faster inlined version when compiling with
speed optimizations enabled. More use is made of the PIC18 hardware multiply instruc -
tion, including floating point multiply operations. Many general optimizations also have
been applied to PIC18 output.
New Free-mode optimization An additional optimization has been added to improve removal of
redundant bank selection instructions when using Free mode. The effect of this optimiza-
tion will only be observable when the assembler optimizers are enabled.

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