URL: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/course ... rlib-new/files.html
/a2d.c [code] Analog-to-Digital converter function library
/a2d.h [code] Analog-to-Digital converter function library
/ata.c [code] IDE-ATA hard disk interface driver
/ata.h [code] IDE-ATA hard disk interface driver
/avrlibdefs.h [code] AVRlib global defines and macros
/avrlibtypes.h [code] AVRlib global types and typedefines
/bitbuf.c [code] Multipurpose bit buffer structure and methods
/bitbuf.h [code] Multipurpose bit buffer structure and methods
/buffer.c [code] Multipurpose byte buffer structure and methods
/buffer.h [code] Multipurpose byte buffer structure and methods
/cmdline.c [code] Command-Line Interface Library
/cmdline.h [code]
/debug.c [code]
/debug.h [code]
/encoder.c [code] Quadrature Encoder reader/driver
/encoder.h [code] Quadrature Encoder reader/driver
/fat.c [code] FAT16/32 file system driver
/fat.h [code] FAT16/32 file system driver
/fixedpt.c [code] Fixed-point math function library
/fixedpt.h [code] Fixed-point math function library
/font5x7.h [code] Graphic LCD Font (Ascii Characters)
/fontgr.h [code] Graphic LCD Font (Graphic Characters)
/glcd.c [code] Graphic LCD API functions
/glcd.h [code] Graphic LCD API functions
/gps.c [code] GPS position storage and processing library
/gps.h [code] GPS position storage and processing library
/i2c.c [code] I2C interface using AVR Two-Wire Interface (TWI) hardware
/i2c.h [code] I2C interface using AVR Two-Wire Interface (TWI) hardware
/i2ceeprom.c [code] Interface for standard I2C EEPROM memories
/i2ceeprom.h [code] Interface for standard I2C EEPROM memories
/i2csw.c [code] Software-driven I2C interface using port pins
/i2csw.h [code] Software-driven I2C interface using port pins
/ks0108.c [code] Graphic LCD driver for HD61202/KS0108 displays
/ks0108.h [code] Graphic LCD driver for HD61202/KS0108 displays
/lcd.c [code] Character LCD driver for HD44780/SED1278 displays
/lcd.h [code] Character LCD driver for HD44780/SED1278 displays
/nmea.c [code] NMEA protocol function library
/nmea.h [code] NMEA protocol function library
/port128.h [code] Additional include for Mega128 to define individual port pins
/pulse.c [code] Pulse/frequency generation function library
/pulse.h [code] Pulse/frequency generation function library
/pwmsw.c [code] Software interrupt-driven multi-output PWM function library
/pwmsw.h [code] Software interrupt-driven multi-output PWM function library
/rprintf.c [code] Printf routine and associated routines
/rprintf.h [code] Printf routine and associated routines
/rtc.c [code] Real-time clock function library
/rtc.h [code] Real-time clock function library
/servo.c [code] Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library
/servo.h [code] Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library
/spi.c [code] SPI interface driver
/spi.h [code] SPI interface driver
/sramsw.c [code] Software-driven SRAM memory bus access functions
/sramsw.h [code] Software-driven SRAM memory bus access functions
/sta013.c [code] STMicroelectronics STA013 MP3 player driver
/sta013.h [code] STMicroelectronics STA013 MP3 player driver
/stxetx.c [code] STX/ETX Packet Protocol Implementation Library
/stxetx.h [code] STX/ETX Packet Protocol Implementation Library
/timer.c [code] System Timer function library
/timer.h [code] System Timer function library
/timer128.c [code] System Timer function library for Mega128
/timer128.h [code] System Timer function library for Mega128
/tsip.c [code] TSIP (Trimble Standard Interface Protocol) function library
/tsip.h [code] TSIP (Trimble Standard Interface Protocol) function library
/uart.c [code] UART driver with buffer support
/uart.h [code] UART driver with buffer support
/uart2.c [code] Dual UART driver with buffer support
/uart2.h [code] Dual UART driver with buffer support
/uartsw.c [code] Software Interrupt-driven UART function library
/uartsw.h [code] Software Interrupt-driven UART function library
/vt100.c [code] VT100 terminal function library
/vt100.h [code] VT100 terminal function library
/ccrma/debug.c [code]
/ccrma/debug.h [code]
/ccrma/midi.c [code] MIDI client functions
/ccrma/midi.h [code] MIDI client functions
/ccrma/osc.c [code] Open Sound Control (OSC) client functions
/ccrma/osc.h [code] Open Sound Control (OSC) client functions
/conf/ataconf.h [code] IDE-ATA interface driver configuration
/conf/cmdlineconf.h [code]
/conf/encoderconf.h [code] Quadrature Encoder driver configuration
/conf/fatconf.h [code] FAT16/32 file system driver configuration
/conf/global.h [code] AVRlib project global include
/conf/i2cconf.h [code] I2C (TWI) interface configuration
/conf/i2cswconf.h [code] Software-driven I2C interface configuration
/conf/ks0108conf.h [code] Graphic LCD driver configuration
/conf/lcdconf.h [code] Character LCD driver configuration
/conf/rprintfconf.h [code] Printf library configuration
/conf/servoconf.h [code] Interrupt-driven RC Servo configuration
/conf/sramswconf.h [code] Software-driven SRAM memory bus access configuration
/conf/sta013conf.h [code] STA013 MP3 player driver configuration
/conf/stxetxconf.h [code] STX/ETX Packet Protocol Implementation Configuration