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J-Link Software and documentation pack for Windows 5.02f

发表于 2015-10-8 07:20:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new version of the J-Link software and
documentation pack V5.02f with the following changes:

- DLL (Linux): In case multiple J-Links were connected to the same PC, an error message that no connection at all could be established, was thrown.
               As long as dialogs are not available under Linux, the DLL will connect to the first J-Link found.
- DLL (OS X): In case multiple J-Links were connected to the same PC, an error message that no connection at all could be established, was thrown.
              As long as dialogs are not available under OS X, the DLL will connect to the first J-Link found.
- DLL (SDK): Doc: Prototype of JLINK_DownloadFile() corrected.
- DLL: Automatic JTAG speed detection when using Rowley Crossworks did not work properly on ARM7/9 devices with adaptive clocking support and newer J-Link V9 models. Fixed
- DLL: Connect under reset did not work properly for ST STM32L4 series devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Flash Programming did not work properly on Analog Devices ADucM360 devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Latest version of Keil MDK-ARM changed device naming scheme for some devices by adding ":<Core" after the device name. This could lead to the error message "The selected device is unknown by this version of the J-Link software". Fixed.
- DLL: Renamed STR9 "Bootbank: 1" device selections to "Bootbank 1"
- DLL: The O.K. button of the RX ID code verification window was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
- DLL: Write protection detection did not work properly for Freescale Kinetis KV5x (Cortex-M7) series devices. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Renamed STR9 "Bootbank: 1" device selections to "Bootbank 1"
- J-Flash: Renesas Synergy R7FS124 devices were missing. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Renesas Synergy R7FS3A7 devices were missing. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Renesas Synergy R7FS7G2 devices were missing. Fixed.

The software can be downloaded from the following location:


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