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发表于 2015-10-7 12:55:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
由于这个版块看的最多了, 就发这个版块了, 如果发错版块, 请版主移位...

首先感谢 wdluo, 使我可以上google网站, 从而找到这个方法.

今天用谷歌搜索了一下关键词 "File not recognized", 发现一个国外网站的帖子: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/p ... -protel-99-a-3.html
The library dialog tries to concatenate the filename and path of the selected library file to obtain a full path to the library file that you want to add. But, a call to the windows function SHGetPathFromIDListA corrupts the memory where the filename is stored (it puts a zero where the string starts, which, in the null-terminated string world, means that the string is now suddenly empty). The dialog gets confused and doesn't succeed in opening the file.
The call to SHGetPathFromIDListA does not do anything noteworthy, so I replaced all instructions related to that call with NOP instructions. This solved the problem.
So: get yourself a hex editor (I use "HxD", it's free) and edit the "Client99SE.exe" file. Change all bytes from offset 2690E to 26917 (= a total of 10 bytes that need to be changed) to 90.
A NOP instruction is 90 in hexadecimal, hence the change.

以上是解决PCB中的添加库, 原理图添加库是在下一楼中提到的:
Patch offset 0x25f78 to 0x25f81 inclusive with 0x90 (original bytes were: 50 8b 45 ec 50 e8 7e c1 fd ff ) in Client99SE.exe

我修改后, 实际测试, 发现问题依旧, 于是继续看帖子的后面部分, 终于在帖子的34楼找到方法:
Hi, except applying the patch with values 90 in 2 places as mentioned earlier, there is another step which also must be done in order to be able to load libraries. This is related to default mechanism used in Vista and Win7 that "well known" extensions of files are not shown in the folder. Please note that in Protel you see only the name of library when trying to add it and not full file name with extension, for example it is shown Liteon but must be shown Liteon.ddb in order to correctly load it.

OK, how to solve it........
Option 1:
Update registry for 2 types of extensions *.lib and *.ddb by adding the string AlwaysShowExt for 2 Keys coresponding to them. Save text below to protel.reg file and load it to registry by double click on it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




意思是系统默认是不显示扩展名的, 要将扩展名显示出来才行. 或者将上面一段代码导入注册表可解决这个问题.

经过以上更改, Protel99SE 添加PCB库和SCH库正常

上传修改过的 Client99SE.exe和注册表文件:


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