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发表于 2016-4-22 23:33:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
New DriverLib features!
Hello everyone,

We've recently posted a new version of DriverLib (build 1930) that has various new features to make things easier for users. Here's a list of the changes:

- The bootloader is now integrated into DriverLib instead of being a standalone application, and includes examples.

- There is now an Ethernet bootloader.

- MPU driver and examples have been added.

- New programming method called Direct Hardware Access Model. This is for people who like to use header files and macros to program, so there is now a new directory ('inc') that has header files for all microcontrollers that we sell.

- New programming method called Software Driver Model. This model helps address pin compatibility issues when switching from one device to another. The new model allows generic function calls (for example, PinTypePWM(PWM0)) and the pin mapping is handled automatically by software. The only thing that requires modification when switching devices is the #define of the processor being used. For information see the DriverLib User's Manual.

Post edited by: LMI Eric, at: 2008/01/11 14:56

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